Monday, September 22, 2008

Toys I love

What is keeping your children amused these school holidays? I highly recommend this book:- The Superhero Starter Kit. It's just brilliant and oh so much fun for little boys of all ages. It's so nice to break free of the Batman/Spiderman/Superman hero mould that has dominated our house for so long and just see some garden variety, generic heroes getting about instead.

In other news, Keybots have rocked our world. How cute are these guys?? My SIL brought them over from Singapore when she came recently and the boys are hooked. Such a simple gadget but is keeping the kids amused for ages, building and rebuilding them. Each Keybot comes with a key that is unique to that robot. The head, arms and legs click in to the main cube and can only be released with the key. Finally a toy that is sturdy, robust and keeps the kids entertained. I love them and hope to import some more simply to indulge my inner child...

1 comment:

Ellie said...

HOw grown up is R looking. Looking more and more like MT in that pic.