The very lovely Jodie has suggested I come out of lurkerdom and share my Christmas Dinner plans with you all. Since I really have nothing better to write about, I accept the challenge. Prepare to be green wiv jellisy. No, really.
Christmas day this year will see us rise at dawn's first light to rip apart Santa's loot. We'll then partake of some ham, eggs & strong coffee before attempting to dress the children and cram them in the car to the IL's house.
There we shall eat exotic nibblies such as rum balls, malt balls, chips, nuts, various dips and lollies until lunch is served. Lunch is generally roast pork, turkey, ham, standard roast vege & salads, with trifle, pavolova & mocha tiramisu (made by moi) for dessert. We are skipping the pudding this year. Rebels.
T has just returned home now with a carton of Crown & some pink sparkly things for me, so that's a good sign. I'm off to partake of one. Merry Christmas to you all. I hope Santa is kind.
February, mud and hope
3 days ago
1 comment:
Shannon, that sounds perfect to me! Hope you have a great xmas xx
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