I had hoped that 2009 would be a year of fantastic news, instead we've been dealt a blow first up. Results of his latest eye exam are:
Left eye– 6/6 (perfect vision!)
Right eye – 6/24 (dismal)
This result from his right eye really floored me. I was keen to see how well he was going after his last appointment as he'd gone very well with his lens these last few weeks. He has worn it almost non-stop and it seemed so settled. I wasn't quite expecting 6/6 vision but I had hoped for pretty close. 6/24 is barely the third top line on the eye chart.
Dr D was also stumped and after examining him thoroughly, discovered Matthew is retaining fluid at the back of his eye. Again. This isn't the first time - almost 12 months ago he experienced the same problem after we dropped his steriod dose and he recovered quickly once the steriods were increased. The problem this time is that his dosage hasn't changed since that last increase. She has now doubled his dose of Redipred and we now cross our fingers and hope. If this intensive burst of oral steriods doesn't work, he will need steriod injections in his eye.
Meds- Drops unchanged. Naprosyn unchanged. Redipred - 2ml for one week, 1.5ml for one week, 1ml for one week.
Follow up – 3 weeks.
February, mud and hope
3 days ago
crap :(
Oh I so hope it works for the little mans sake.
Stay strong Shan.
Sorry to hear that :-(
What a worry that you haven't dropped his dosage but he is still retaining the fluid. Really hope it doesn't come down to injections in his eye.
Thinking of you and Matthew of course xx
Oh shit Shannon. I'm sorry you and Matthew are off to a bad start :(
Oh, that is crap :( . I truly hope that is the last blow you and Matthew have to receive this year.
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