Before: looking very unkempt and vagrant-like.
After: Too grown up.
I'm not sure which is worse. :(
last minute making {blogmas day 22}
2 hours ago
Last weekend he managed to score himself a Super Swimmer ribbon at swimming lessons for using his "big arms" and generally trying hard to do his best. It was such a timely reward and appeared to give his ego a much needed stroke. He took it to school for News (Show & Tell for those from the same era as me) which we video taped to as a visual reminder for him of how proud he was of himself (and us of him). I did try to upload the video but blogger didn't seem to want to play the game. You'll have to settle for a blurry photo instead.
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In other momentous news this week Ryan has worn undies since Monday with only three accidents. (and why yes, I do realise I have just cursed the poor child by making this public announcement...)