Before: looking very unkempt and vagrant-like.
After: Too grown up.
I'm not sure which is worse. :(
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Perfect timing
Lately it would appear that Matthew has started to notice that physically he is not up to the same standard as the other boys in his class and it seems his ego has taken a blow from the realisation. It doesn't help that one of his best friends seems to excel at sport and attends swimming, rugby union, is starting to train for a triathalon and has recently won an award for tennis competing against kids from grades Prep to 3. We've tried to explain to Matthew that his arthritis has caused him to have a bit of down-time and also to reinforce the notion that we can't all be good at the same things and reminding him of the things he is good at. I don't know how much of it he is buying but we keep trying.
Last weekend he managed to score himself a Super Swimmer ribbon at swimming lessons for using his "big arms" and generally trying hard to do his best. It was such a timely reward and appeared to give his ego a much needed stroke. He took it to school for News (Show & Tell for those from the same era as me) which we video taped to as a visual reminder for him of how proud he was of himself (and us of him). I did try to upload the video but blogger didn't seem to want to play the game. You'll have to settle for a blurry photo instead.
~ ~ ~
In other momentous news this week Ryan has worn undies since Monday with only three accidents. (and why yes, I do realise I have just cursed the poor child by making this public announcement...)
Slice & Dice WIP
Many thanks to the very talented Helen for her slice & dice tutorial. She did a wonderful job outlining the steps involved and it was really quick and easy to whip up, especially for a beginner like myself.
I *think* I've worked out how much binding I need and how to do it so just need to finish quilting it and I'll start on that. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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